Memories of Elaine

Created by Chrissie one year ago

I have known Elaine for over 15 years – she was such a support when I was diagnosed with bowel cancer, as she had just finished treatment for her first battle with breast cancer.
Since then, despite living so far apart (Elaine in Glasgow, & me near Manchester) we always kept in touch.  Both our husbands were involved in running a timeshare resort, which gave us opportunities for a visit there several times a year & catch up with each others’ news. In between (& after our husbands left the time share resort committee ) we would have long chats on the phone. Elaine would listen sympathetically to my moans & rants, offering helpful suggestions to deal with whatever my problem was, & in return I would listen to her woes !

Elaine was always full of energy – she managed several rental properties, looked after her children growing up – she was so proud of the way Karen & Jason turned out, and was thrilled to be a grandparent. She has written several books, including 2 for children, I was honoured that  she asked me to illustrate them for her.
Despite all the above, Elaine was a real party animal, making friends wherever she happened to be – Spain (timeshare), France (where she & Gerry have a holiday home) or anywhere else. She lit up a room and was so much fun – life will certainly be the quieter for her passing.
